Thursday, February 28, 2008

There's Only ONE League... Liberty League

So how did I end up here? Two and a half years ago I was doing like most of the other 97% of our society and just spinning my wheels going nowhere fast in my business and personal life. Luckily, I already owned my own business (as a chiropractor) so I was at least my own boss, but I found myself spending way too much time in my office and not making what I had always thought I would. I was 28 and full of life and energy but had no time off or money to live my life to the fullest. I wanted to travel, not be tied to my office and live, as most people would say… “the good life.”

After 5 years of practicing chiropractic, I felt in a rut. My life had been changing for the better, but it was happening slowly. So I started searching for a way to reach my goals faster. I knew I needed at 100% portable business so I could travel, that didn’t require many hours so I had time to play, and a business where I could at least my $250,000 per year so I could… “live the good life.”

Then I started looking…. I was blown away….I couldn’t imagine how much “junk” was out there. People promised me millions to stuff envelopes, hold meetings, sell vitamins and potions, start an ebay business, etc., etc…. I didn’t like the sound of any of it.

I then came across a business and company that was just… well... different. I called a woman whose ad I saw and she didn’t try to pressure me into buying something, there were no high pressure sales, she didn’t “spill the beans” to every fact and detail about her business, what she did was ask me what I wanted in a business. Instead of a sales pitch, I really felt her concern for my business needs and her willingness to see if her opportunity could meet those needs. Instead of just a number or a sale, I actually felt like a person and it was as if I as applying for a “real” job, the only catch was that this was a business where I would be my own boss.

The next step was hearing a business presentation. It took about 25 minutes and clearly explained the company, products and compensation plan. After hearing the compensation plan I could not believe the profit margins. I had never been introduced to a business where with just a small handful of sales per month, I could easily get to my income goal of $250K per year. For once the comp. plan worked in favor of the associate not the company where just the owners get rich.

To make a long story short, I jumped in with both feet and haven’t ever looked back. Two years later at the ripe old age of 31, I have been able to semi-retire from chiropractic. I still work as a chiropractor but only about 10 hours per week because I really do love it. I spend another 10-15 hrs. per week working from home or anywhere else that I am. And traveling??? Well, I live in Hawaii, which isn’t too bad, but in 2007 alone I went to Cancun (twice), Australia, Las Vegas (twice), Atlanta, San Diego (5 times), Denver, Maui, Kaui, Vancouver/Whistler Canada, Portland Oregon, and Cuba. And those are the one’s I can remember. As for the first 45 days in 2008, I started off in Whistler skiing for New Years flew back to Hawaii, then to Miami for 5 days, came home for another week and then went to Las Vegas. Needless to say I actually happy to stay home for a month or two but will get right back into to mix of different culture and civilizations when I go to Italy, France, and Germany in March of 2008.

Traveling all the way from Hawaii is not short or inexpensive flights and I never would have been able to take the time off or afforded all the traveling just from my chiropractic office. I was able to do all that because I made the decision 2 ½ years ago to change my life and current situation and found the right opportunity to do so.

This business is not for everyone. But is definitely a way out. Out of that dead end job, out of the 9-5 routine, out from under those never ending bills, and so much more. The real question is… “What do YOU want?” and my question to you is….. “How bad do you want it?”

There are a lot of businesses out there that make a lot of false promises, have tried to copy Liberty League and that shut down as quickly as they start up. If you are looking for a legitimate company with a proven track record, and a very simple and easy system to make a lot of money, remember that there is only ONE league to be in… LIBERTY LEAGUE… You can contact me anytime for questions at or go to

To Your Success,

Dr. Sam Vella