Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Got My Beyond Freedom... So Now What?

The following is from Patrick McCleary
Top Income Earner with LLI and Associate of the Month

You have received your Beyond Freedom. Congratulations! Now what? You open the box and look at everything. You are excited! You watch the DVD, listen to a CD, read through the workbook. “Great stuff”, you say. You open the journal book and date the pages. You are ready for this incredible journey to change your life for the better. Or are you? What about all of the other things going in your life – your work, your business, your family, your priorities, etc. Don’t they come first?

For most people, they do. That is where the problem lies. We spend most of our lives reacting to our outer world and backing that up every now and then with some work on our inner world. This is not the formula for success. In order to reach our full potential in life, in order to Play Life Full Out, our number one priority must be our inner game focus. We must commit to some personal development on a daily basis as our number one priority every day. Success and abundance can be ours if we first focus on our personal development and then back that up with our other priorities in life. This is the secret to success. This is the magic dust!

The Beyond Freedom can be a powerful tool for changing our life. I emphasize the words “can be.” It is really up to us. Beyond Freedom is the constant and we are the variable. It is a proven system that has positively affected thousands of peoples’ lives. What is the difference between the people that are positively affected by Beyond Freedom and those who are not? It is consistency! You will not change for the better if you do the program a few days here and there. You will not change if you only listen to the CD’s. You will change by applying yourself to Beyond Freedom 30 minutes per day. You will change by being present with the program and doing all aspects of the program consistently – the DVD, the CD’s, the workbook and exercises, the journal book, the goal achievement system. Ask yourself, is this too much to ask of me?

A window washer washes windows form 9 to 5 every day. A bank teller dispenses and receives money for the bank from 9 to 5 every day. A hair stylist cuts hair from 9 to 5 every day. Their work is their life. They get paid a specific amount of money to do their work. This is how they view their life. Some of these people dream of a better way. Until they take action to change their circumstances, this is their life, their dharma. What about us who know the magic dust? What do we have to do in order to reach our full potential? All we have to do is commit to our personal development every day. All we have to do is commit to learning how to get out of our own way – to remove our limitations and limiting beliefs and the stuff that has been holding us back. Thirty minutes per day. It is that simple.

When we get in our core being that we create first from our mind-set, our life can become effortless. We must learn that it is not the work that we do or the ad that we place that brings us success. When we realize that it is that state of our mind-set that brings us the success, and when we have learned how to master the mind-set game, we will have learned how to master the game of life. We will know how to Play Life Full Out.

Beyond Freedom is our Rolls Royce. Our goals and intentions are the destination. Our wonderful community of like-minded people is the GPS system helping to point us in the right direction. Who are we? We are both the driver and the gas that makes our beautiful vehicle go and reach its destination. If we get into the car and it has no gas, no matter what we do, it will not go anywhere. The gas is applying ourselves on a consistent basis with our personal development. It is the fuel for reaching our dreams. It is the catalyst for change and reaching our full potential in life. Take your Rolls Royce for a spin everyday. It will be the ride of your life!

Pat McCleary