Monday, July 27, 2009

The Big Island of Hawaii Business Conference.

Cancun, Sydney, Las Vegas, Rome, Acapulco, Oahu, and just returning from the Big Island of Hawaii... Can you believe that I actually get paid to go to very powerful and motivational personal development conferences all around the world??? Four years ago I was looking for a way to travel, make money and get untied from my office. Every time I took a vacation my office shut down and it cost my money not only from the vacation, but also the fact that I had to shut down my business as well... This made actually taking and paying for vacations very difficult.

Now in my business, I actually make money everytime I travel. I also get to hang with numerous self-made millionaires. We go to exotic locations, hear phenomenal speakers, mastermind with highly successful people and each time I come home, my home-based business jumps up a couple of levels.

On the first day of the event, my ADD kicked in while in the conference and I check my email on my iphone. Look at that, I thought... I just made $1,000. Yep, that right I made a $1,000 by 9am last Monday morning on vacation on the Big Island of Hawaii and hadn't made any phone calls, talked with anybody about the business or had to make a sales pitch to anyone.... Now that's what I call RESIDUAL INCOME and that's EXACTLY what I came here form.

To find out how I did it... go to