Saturday, October 20, 2007

Another Day of Adventure in Mexico! Cenotes...

I have been in Playa del Carmen for almost 3 days now. I'm staying in Playa Palms beach hotel (see and absolutely love it here. Today I got up, made some calls through Skype on my laptop, and then went for a swim in the emerald green water that is 50 meters from my balcony. It is surreal to me that I can actually conduct business with just a laptop and internet connenction from anywhere on the planet.

For so long I have been educated and trained that I had to get a "good" job, work from one location, and build up a nice little nest egg to retire on. If that doesn't sound like a boring average life I don't know what does. So after practicing chiropractic for 6 years and wishing everyday that I was out traveling and seeing the world, I stumbled upon an opportunity that drastically changed my life.
I'm now in Mexico traveling, doing exactly what I want, and actually spending a hour or two each day working and making money.... Amazing!!! For more info, go to This blog is written to talk about living NOT working.

So today, since it is raining out, I'm off to snorkel underground in a Cenote. This is essentially a fresh water sink hole in the Yucatan penninsula. As wikipedia describes it:

"Cenotes have long been the principal sources of water in much of the Yucatán Peninsula, as there is an almost complete lack of any rivers throughout the region, and the lakes are scarce and often swampy in quality. Cenotes therefore are widely-distributed year-round water supplies of suitable quality. Major Maya settlements required access to adequate water supplies, and therefore cities, including the famous Chichén Itzá, were built around these natural wells. Some cenotes like the Cenote of Sacrifice in Chichén Itzá played an important role in Maya rites. It was believed that these pools were gateways to the other world, and valuable items were sometimes thrown into the cenote."
I arrived at the cenote just in time for the final tour of the day with only one other person. We were loaded into a vehicle that somewhat resemeble a truck with no body and a cage on back that we were supposed to stand in and go into the jungle where the cenote is. We got wetsuits on and snorkel gear and heading off into the jungle.

We were lead by Ricardo, the guide, to a spot in the jungle where there was a hole in the ground with a ladder that descended about 20ft.

The cenote had many caverns and had sparse lighting throughout. There were limestone stalactites and stalagmites, some that were several meters long. I later learned that these grow extremely slow at a rate of 1 centimeter every 10 years.

The freshwater was clear and cool and even had some small fish.

The energy in this place was amazing. I didn't know whether to look up at the ceiling or in the water. We swam through 4 or 5 different caverns, some were dark and some were very well lit. Of all the places on earth I have been, there was definitely some special energy about this place.

There is a documentary series put out by the BBC called Planet Earth. The entire 6 CD set is at Wal Mart for about $50. If you haven't seen any of these documentaries they are truly amazing. About 4 months ago, I watch the segment on Caves where I saw these Cenotes for the first time. That was some of the most amazing footage I have ever seen on TV.

What is amazing is that only 4 months later, there I am snorkeling and swimming in the same Cenotes. If it wasn't for my strong desire to live life full out, seek out my dreams of traveling and adventure, and for the great opportunity Liberty League has provided me, these adventures probably would not have taken place.... At least not so soon.

If you're ready to change your life, live life on your terms, and play full out... go to An opportunity is waiting for you...

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