Monday, October 8, 2007

A Day and a Lifetime in Cuba

I've always had a desire to go to Cuba before "the Beard" falls. To see first hand a communist country, what the people are like, and maybe just because as Americans, we're not "supposed" to go.

On October 5th, I was finally on my way. I flew overnight from Honolulu to Los Angeles, Los Angeles to Denver, Denver to Cancun where I arrived the next day at 3pm. After arriving to Cancun I went to the Mexicana ticket counter and bought next ticket Havana, Cuba which put me arriving in Havana about 10:30pm. About 22hrs total of traveling.

Before I went, I bought the Lonely Planet guidebook as I have done for so many other countries that I have traveled to. I gave me details on places to stay, things to do, and of course all the warnings. It did say to bring a lot of cash and that American credit cards and debit cards do not work in Cuba. For this reason I reserved my room at the Hotel Nacional online before I left the States. I also paid for it online and got a confirmation. I planned on taking about $300 USD with me for meals and drinks. I figured that should be fine for about 4 days.

When I arrived to Mexico I converted my cash to pesos and then when arriving to Cuba planned on converting my pesos to "convertables" or CUC the Cuban currency for tourists in Cuba. Since we pay about 20% on the USD for conversion I figured I'd get a better exchange rate with pesos.

So I arrived in Havana after 22 hrs. of traveling, got a taxi and was on the way to Hotel Nacional in hopes of catching some Cuban music and mojitos before the night was over.

When I got to the hotel, I checked in and they said that they had my reservation but, that my payment did not go through. This took me by surprise as I had the confirmation. I had about $275 CUC with me and the room per night was $120 CUC. They said I had to pay in cash and I quickly did the math and realized I barely had enough for 2 nights. I said asked them to re-run my credit card and they told me, which I knew from reading the guidebook, that no credit cards, debit cards or wire transfers are accepted in Cuba from U.S. banks. I asked them to what are my options and they replied with blank stares and "Sir, what are YOU going to do?" I said, that surely I couldn't be the first that this has happened to and there must be a way for a "Gringo" like myself to get some money. They said to come back in the morning....

So I paid for the night and got my room. By now it is about midnight and I really want to just have a mojito and to listen to some music. So I went down to the bar, order a mojito for $4 CUC, wow, about $7 USD for a mojito... I thought Cuba was supposed to be cheap. Turns out I couldn't be farther from the truth. So I'm sitting the bar and started talking with this girl who turns out is from Cuba and I'm telling her my story of all I went through to get there, my problem with the credit cards, etc. She said not to worry and she knew someone who accepted all credit cards and would get me money for a percentage. I read that in Cuba, providing you don't have a card from a U.S. bank they charge an additional 10-20% of the amount if you use a credit card. Once again doing some math in my head I was guessing this guy would probably be charging me 25-40% extra for a cash advance. The problem was it was Saturday night, and he doesn't open on Sundays, so I would have to wait until Monday. So I ordered another mojito, and talked with this girl, ask what she did and she said "massage." I told her that I'm a chiropractor and she hadn't a clue what that was.... which I found interesting as most "real" massage therapists know exactly what a chiropractor is. Red Flag #1 is now going up. Upon a little more talking I asked her what type of massage she specialized in and she replied with a gleam in her eye..."full body massage." Uh oh... I've seen that look... Red Flag #2 is going up. I've been in Cuba for all of an hour and I just told, what I now believe is a Cuban hooker, my whole story, that I, just arrived, have many credit cards, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get some money. I now think it's time to leave as the red flags couldn't be waving stronger unless they poles they were on, were beating me over the head. . So before I left she made sure to give me her number and said no problem she can surely help me just call her in the morning.

So I'm off to see the town and hopefully not to spend much money as I don't know how long it will last. I went down the street sat in a sidewalk cafe next to a club and had a beer. The music sounded good in the club so I went and, ordered another beer, drank it,danced a little, watched mostly and left. The place was crowded, hot, smelly, and just really not my cup of tea.

I got back to my room at 3a.m and fell into bed exhausted. Problem was I couldn't sleep as I was so worried about how the hell I'm going to get some money. I tossed in turned all night, had dreams about walking through the streets of Havana with no money.

I woke up the next day, had the complimentary breakfast, and went to the front desk for help. They said I could re-register online and probably pay online. Sidenote: in Cuba, the locals are not allowed internet. Thank God tourists are so I went online and re-registered and when through every single credit card I have trying to purchase extra nights in the hotel. Every time... Transaction Declined. I then emailed a friend outside of the U.S. asking if it would be possible to send me about $200 Euros if I cannot get money. I figured if I'm in a vice, this might be the only way to get some money.

I walked around the hotel took some pictures and thought about my options. Find a cheaper place to stay, and hope to get through until Monday. Call my "new friend" and see if her friend could do me a favor and get me money today (Sunday). I imagined this would double the already sky high interest rate. Or, flying back to Mexico get cash and return to Cuba. This would be the last resort of course.

As the time ticked closer to the check out time... I rechecked my email, no answer about the money yet for the wire transfer, tried again to pay for a room at this hotel and several others in Havana, no luck, and then recounted my money. I have $75 CUC left... Great.... As my options slowly disappeared and I was due to check out or pay... I tried calling the airlines to see if they even had any flights back to Cancun, Jamaica, or anywhere else that I could get out of Cuba and get some money. So far this has not been the relaxing or fun vacation I was thinking of... I have been stressed for days traveling and now being here.

As most of you know, I'm not one to quite and I usually can make good of any situation... I had a gut feeling like the cards were not in my favor and I better make a decision. I also figured that calling the only person who actually offered to help me... the Cuba massage/hooker was even a worse idea..... I'm taking the safe route... head back to the airport and hopefully catch a flight, somewhere.

With $75 CUC left, the cab ride was $25, got to the airport, talked with the ticket lady, Yes, there is a flight at 3:30pm, it is now 12:30pm. Cost to change the ticket and return to Cancun was $20 CUC. Upon, changing my ticket there is the departure tax, which the tax that many 3rd countries charge on order to tap that last little bit of money out of you before you leave. Cost of this $25 CUC... Wasn't sure exactly how much I had left, check my money belt, Thank God, I have $32 CUC left and some coins. I paid for the tax, bought some pins of Cuba (my only souveniers) and went through security. I hadn't eaten lunch and had some time before my flight so I went to the cafe and I had EXACTLY enough left for a ham and cheese sandwich and one last mojito. As I'm standing there eating, I realize that although I had taken several photos, I had not taken any of myself in Cuba. I had my camera and asked the lady next to me to take a photo of myself with the flag in the background. Well, I must have looked pretty handsome because that when the other beautiful woman asked me if I wanted to take a picture of her. With one look I said "of course," how could I resist due to her shear beauty (see the pic to the right of page). I never caught her name but she'll always be know to me as "Black Beauty."

After falling in love with my new Cuban girlfriend, I finished my mojito, finished my sandwich, boarded the plane and got the hell out of Cuba.

I arrived back in Cancun, Mexico only 21 hours after I had left. It felt like a lifetime. I was so glad to be back and there was no way I was going back to Cuba. I went to the cash machine, it worked! I rented a car, and drove south to a beautiful place call Playa do Carmen. I have a beautiful room with balcony over the water, it's 1/2 the price of the hotel in Cuba and now I'll spend the next few days just relaxing on the beach and exploring the jungle before attending the Liberty Conference at the Moon Palace on Thursday October 11th.

So, that is my Cuban adventure, hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did. I've told it several time already and thought making it into a blog along with my other upcoming travels would be a great way to share it with you.

Follow your dreams and don't be afraid of turning them into reality. I have always dreamed of going to Cuba while it's still under the Castro regime, and I must say, that it was, with it's troubles, a truly amazing experience. Don't ever let your fears, limits, or even a trade embargo, stop you from attaining your goals in life.

Stay posted on this blog for my next adventure.

For pictures go to

For more information on how I have been able to travel and create my life what is today, go to


Chaunda Fanning said...

OMG! I am so sorry to hear the nightmare. I had a great laugh! Sorry at your expense. Such a classisc story of getting screwed. Thanks for warning the rest of us, and thank you for pursuing your dreams and having such a great attitude about the results. You Rock! - Chaunda

Unknown said...

how amazing this notion of "cuba"- I share the same dreams/ideas! And you know I woulda been right there w/ya! I am smiling ear to ear, as you are ever a sly rabbit- always with unending cleverness up your sleeve. AM so glad to know you made it back to paradise (see xcaret while u are there!)